...just like You said it would be.
As my life progresses I'm really overwhelmed with thoughts and prayers, etc. But I guess here's the bottom line of this post: I am a changed/changing man. I've changed. Intentionally. I'm made different. New. And -- I like it.
There's this wonderful thing about seminary -- daily, and I do mean each and every day, Christ is made the priority. He is the Captor of my mind, my heart, my priorities, and everything that makes up Coady Owens. Now this comes at a price: No girlfriend, no facebook, being at a school 10 hours away from home, and a certain sacrifice of some freedoms, but does it ever seem worth it! Given, I'm not perfect at this whole thing yet. There are still some kinks to work out, but I'm moving, and that's a good feeling.
Recently my kick has been intentionality. It seems that throughout my life I've had this idea that if I just do what's right and stay away from what's wrong then all will be well. I'm learning, though, that sometimes you gotta play "no slop." Call your shots, and back up your actions with sincere intention. Don't be virtuous on accident. This is easy to do when in a setting that promotes this kind of living, but in the fast-paced, cut-throat society we've become...eh...not so much!
And how easy it is for seminarians to slip into old habits of laziness and carelessness when we return to everything we knew before seminary! I was re-convicted over Thanksgiving break (as it was my first time home since August) with a desire to bring to my family and friends the same Coady that I bring to God in prayer, lest I forget all that I've gained and return to mediocrity. I can't do that by only praying Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer. I can't do it even with the addition of daily mass. The only way I can do that is to live my life virtuously, on purpose, encompassing MP, EP, the Sacraments, etc. as a part of the character of a man on a mission to be with God.
Now, as you by now know, seminary is the first step in a vocation that looks towards the priesthood. I love the priesthood. I love priests. There is a video out online that highlights the Archdiocese of New York's Priestly Ordination for 2009. In it, Archbishop Dolan says, "You will have the very CHARACTER of Christ -- the High Priest, the Good Shepherd -- branded on your hearts...as your very IDENTITY." To me this was a very powerful statement. I was awestruck by the magnitude of what the Archbishop was claiming, but he's right! Then I began to think of these priests, these men, before their ordination. While there was, without a dobut, an ontological change in them, that change upon ordination was the sealing of a life of progression. These men were not taken of the streets and made to be priests, but rather God called them and they were formed to Christ. They lived intentionally a goal of accepting and growing so close to Christ that now people may occasionally mistake them for Jesus, Himself. You see, we are all called to holiness. While all our vocations may not be in the priesthood, we have to realize that there is no moment that does not matter for any of us. My position as a seminarian, a student, etc. should reflect that Jesus is changing me, and if it doesn't, then my coming to seminary was useless and I've wasted my time here.
So again, bottom line: I've changed/I'm changing because I've realized that my life before was pretty ok...and that is -- plain and simple -- not good enough. The Good Lord calls us to more, and it's about time we answered Him.
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, pray for us!
Monday, November 17, 2014 Feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Last Thursday,
November 13, was the feast day of “one of our own,” St. Frances Xavier
10 years ago
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